November 19, 2014
Makin’ Bacon With Your Digital Marketing
What this bacon craze is all about……and what digital marketing can do to help you promote bacon
I’m sure you’re all aware of the Bacon craze in America. There’s bacon shaving cream, bacon deodorant , bacon perfume, poultry bacon, salmon bacon, bacon baked goods, bacon ice creams, bacon flavored alcoholic drinks, bacon soda pop, bacon bandaids even a bacon coffin “for those who love bacon to death.” There’s even a bacon app. Figures. In 1924, Oscar Mayer patented the first packed, sliced bacon. In the US, bacon is eaten as breakfast (70%), lunch (11%) dinner (17%) and as a snack (2%). The top 5 best selling US bacon brands (by sales)? Private Label (=$505M) , Oscar Mayer ($429M), Hormel Black Label ($117M), Wright ($73.7M) and Farmland ($71M). And the average American eats 17.9 lbs of bacon per year. I’m pretty sure one of you must be eating my share of the 18 pounds.
![]() Bacon Dress |
![]() Bacon Lip Balm |
![]() Bacon Milk Shakes |
![]() Bacon Roses |
![]() Bacon Frappucino |
![]() Squeeze Bacon |
![]() Bacon Lollipops |
Enough of the Bacon Craze-
Here’s some digital marketing ideas to sell bacon
How about a Bacon eBlast?
To help you capitalize on the bacon craze we’ve developed a Special Dealivery eBlast featuring bacon that you can now use. If you’re interested in running this new eBlast you just need to go to and select the bacon eBlast, tell us your special price, PLU and brand — and we’ll send out your bacon eBlast. This eBlast is the 6th choice on the very top line of the gallery on our website. Give it a try!
Go to
How about some Social Media posts?
Many of you selected some of our bacon related FaceBook posts we had available last month from Farmland. Farmland has really received some traction with their clever social media posts relating to Farmland bacon. If you haven’t already visited the Farmland Bacon Club website, check it out: . After a quick visit to their website you’ll have tons and tons of great ideas and referral links for your customers on your Facebook page. Many of you posted some of the recommended posts that we put up on Social Octane last month. Here’s some of the posts:
To subscribe to Social Octane ($200 per year subscription), just call Nick or Paulino at 480-639-1200.
How about promoting Bacon on your Pinterest pages?
For stores with Pinterest pages, there are plenty of referrals for great ideas involving bacon on Pinterest. It’s easy to find plenty of great ideas relating to bacon- just type in the word bacon on the Pinterest homepage and you’ll see hundreds of great Pinterest sites you can pin. At the top of the page you’ll see bacon categories including recipes, in oven, wrapped, snacks, funny, cooking, humor, jam and over 80 other subjects.
Also, has this really good bacon Pinterest page called “Bacon Me Crazy” – Everything tastes better with Bacon: